Attitude and Gratitude. I always find lists a good motivation tool, but I don't like things too rigid. I also find a blog really helpful in getting me out and doing things. I love that I can look back and really see over time how much great stuff I get to do...

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Seals and Beads

The dreaming is reminding me that I need to go see the seals.  I considered doing this a few weeks back but put it back.  Then my sister posted a video of seals at Godrevy on my Facebook.  I know where she is talking about, it is a well known haul out point.  It was one of the two seal related things I intended to do but didn't....

We have a seal sanctuary in Cornwall and every winter they appeal for towels.  I intended to take some down there as sorting through things I found a number of old towels suitable for seals. :-)

Today isn't a day for visiting seals.  The waves are wild and chances are the seals are safely in the sea.

36) Go see the seals at Godrevy
37) Take towels to Gweek

Amalfi is a bit of an idle dream.  I have no idea of when or how but I REALLY want to go there.  So I went on line this morning and by chance discovered that there are two cruises by Fred Olsen next year that actually leave from Falmouth.  One of them goes to the Amalfi Coast.  I love these little confirmations.  Bits of dreams, 

The Occuli Bracelet is still moving along.  Three domes and two lozenges complete.  I need about six of each.  The design is by Heather Kingsley-Heath.  It is a fiddly design.  I will be glad when I actually get to put something down as completed.  Lol.  Mine has black dome beads and purple and turquoise other beads with metallic pink.

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