Attitude and Gratitude. I always find lists a good motivation tool, but I don't like things too rigid. I also find a blog really helpful in getting me out and doing things. I love that I can look back and really see over time how much great stuff I get to do...

Saturday, 30 April 2016


I like to write about my plants, how they are doing, the good and the bad....  I am just learning to look after them really, trying to understand them and some are easier than others.

On the stairs my Spider plant hangs and it is doing pretty well.  The main plant is not as bushy as it could be and there are some brown tips but I mist it more now as I have learnt they like things humid.  The babies are growing away like mad and I like seeing them hanging there.  Some of them have little root nodules now to.

My aloe veras are OK.  I am  not sure putting them in great window boxes and expecting them to multiply madly and happily was a great idea.  I think they like to be a bit more pot bound.  All that compost (even though it is succulent compost), holds water and gives them cold roots and encourages rot.  That said, they are fine.....  I think they are better now I have stopped watering so much too.

The golden pathos on the stairs is OK, mostly.  It has been trained up a stick and I looked behind today and discovered that the leaves at the very back have died.  Lack of light I should think due to it's position.  But there are new leaves sprouting and it looks healthy.

So does the palm in the bedroom.  It likes things better now the radiator is off.  I may have to move it in the winter, because it just dries out the air too much.  It grows slowly but there are two new leaves and three spikes on their way up.  Once my cactus shelf is up, it will take over the window where some of my cacti and succulents are.  A nice window it can sit in the middle of with no radiator.

My Ivy however is not happy.  I have been overwatering it.  Brown leaves on ivy do not mean, please water me more it seems.  It still has plenty of healthy leaves, so I am just going to slow my watering up, by a lot...  In the past those brown leaves would have scared me and I might have given up on it....

The Mother in Laws Tongue seems fine and my Tradescantia continues to grow at a million miles an hour.  It was the last of it's kind on the shelf when I brought it and it had a battered, woebegone look to it.

My cacti and succulents are all looking OK, surprisingly.  And my sickly Euphorbia has three little tiny buds!  How amazing is that!  The main plant still looks a little unhappy but maybe it is a seasonal thing.  Maybe last seasons growth changes just before it shoots forward new life.  I was thinking it needs a spot on the cactus shelf when I get it and that I should make it a little tiny cloche to reduce cold drafts in the winter.

So all in all, pretty good.  My grand plant adventure has been going on since February I think and I have not killed anything yet.

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