Attitude and Gratitude. I always find lists a good motivation tool, but I don't like things too rigid. I also find a blog really helpful in getting me out and doing things. I love that I can look back and really see over time how much great stuff I get to do...

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Making and Doing

I like crafts.  I am a Dreamer.  I follow a shamanic path.

No surprise really then that I make dreamcatchers.  Each one I make is a dream that grows and takes shape.  They are often made for specific people but some grow all by themselves and then find homes.  They are all different.

I have a list of people I want to make for and I have no idea which ones will actually get done.  LT, JA, CA and WW in Canada.  Suzi up North. L in Wales who made me my first.  My sister who needs something more fiery.  My husband who has one of my early ones but a new one is growing in my head for him.  The Cactus Man and Fairy Girl (the other colleague coming to the cactus show - she looks good in elf ears).  Another colleague at work who is having nightmares...

She works in a charity shop and friday I challenged her to get me some materials to make her one with.  It will be interesting to see what she picks from the shop.  She loves quirky colourful things with history.

In a few weeks time J and I are going to go to a workshop to make a rattle each.  I am looking forward to this.  It will be a new skill for me.  We have rattles which I picked up years ago at the Eden Project.  At the time I thought I was going to be working in schools and I thought they would be useful.  They have been very useful but in an unexpected way.  But it's time for rattle we connect to more deeply.

We have drums.  I dreamt mine for months before it appeared.  When I went to Canada the first time I brought J one home.  Then when we went together last year he learnt to make them and he made a small one (not enough time to dry a larger one). 

My drum appears in my dreams sometimes.  It did this week.  It wants to go to the sea.  I talked it over with friends.  While salt would dry a hide out badly, so no getting it wet, a few drops, cleaned off quickly should be fine.  My drum wants to be held just above the water.

Now my community has set a challenge for it's crafters (our first one) around the theme of keys.

I also bead.  I am currently working on the Oculi bracelet but I brought some other patterns.  Butterfly, Beetle and Owl.  I intend to make the Beetle first.  It requires a glass cabochon and I brought some from Amazon which arrived yesterday.  I am still thinking of colour schemes etc.  I have time, the oculi will take me a while.

26) Dreamcatchers...
27) Make a rattle
28) Take my drum to the sea
29) Complete a key project
30) Make a Beetle

Just after Christmas I began an exploration of incense.  I brought some charcoal and some resins and have been enjoying making smoke.  but I realsie that the charcoal burns a bit hot.  I need something else....  I have been researching but have not settle on an option yet.  An electric incense burner.  An incense burner with a little tripod so you can place the incense above the charcoal instead of on it...

There is more I want to learn about smells.....  Ironic really given I have a very poor sense of smell.

I read.  i intend to keep a list of books I read here too.  I like looking back....  I have not finished Future Falls yet - but I will.

What else....

I want to go to Bude.  The far end of the county and not really near anywhere.
I want to go to the Isles of Scilly.  I went once years ago but I want to go again.
I want to visit gardens.  We have a lot of them and they are very beautiful.

31) Incense exploration
32) Books, books, books
33) Visit Bude
34) Visit the Isles of Scilly
35) Visit gardens

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