Attitude and Gratitude. I always find lists a good motivation tool, but I don't like things too rigid. I also find a blog really helpful in getting me out and doing things. I love that I can look back and really see over time how much great stuff I get to do...

Monday, 30 May 2016


So this week has not been great, I have had a bug and it has made me really sensitive so my IBS has been having a field day.  I spent three days at home doing nothing instead of working.

I intended to do lots of tidying and sorting this long bank holiday weekend but I knew I was not up to it so I went to the bead shop Saturday and set myself up with some projects instead.  So I had a productive few days crafting.

I made a necklace from a free pattern using pinch beads, which were handily on offer this weekend.  They make little round berries.  The necklace is to match a multi coloured dress I have.  It feels summery.

Having finished that, I set about the Beetle pattern.  I just have the legs to do now.  I couldn't get the back to go right.  The delicas I had just were not sitting snug with each other and it really bugged me after the snug precision of the rest of the design.  So I redesigned the back.  It does not irritate me now, but it took up a lot of time, reworking and tinkering.

Next I have beads to make a hexagonal donut to which a lot of strands are attached to make a lariat.  This is an old favourite.  I never made one for me though.  I have a black top with gold edging and a waist band with gold, silver, purple and turquoise.  The donut matches the purple and the strands will also pick up all the other colours.

I also have all the feathers now for the fire dream catcher, so I can finish that.

My boss leant me a rock mill!  I don't know if it works yet.I am almost nervous to try it.  I also need to collect enough rocks of similar hardness to do a load.  Somehow it is worse playing with someone else's very old toys....  It doesn't come with instructions. lol

I have some things to add to my list of possibilities though.

60) Play Crazy Golf

There is something about crazy golf.  Not pitch and putt.  I like the different things you have to do , like get the ball through a building or bounce it off walls etc.  I think hubby and I played it maybe ten years ago in lanzarote, certainly not since.

61) Go to the National Marine Aqarium

We took my stepson when he was young but have not been since.  If J wants to go to Plymouth to look at bikes, he can bribe me with something I will enjoy :-)

62) Go to Rogue Kitchen

We were going to go to this last year but there was no way with my stomach as it is.  They tell stories and you cook food over an open fire.  It sounds pretty cool.  Next year....

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