Attitude and Gratitude. I always find lists a good motivation tool, but I don't like things too rigid. I also find a blog really helpful in getting me out and doing things. I love that I can look back and really see over time how much great stuff I get to do...

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Fire and Things

Not feeling much enthusisasm today.

Maybe I used it all up working on a fiery dream catcher for my sister.  I have put a lot of effort into it this last 48 hours.  It's a complicated one.  It isn't quite finished though.  I ordered some feathers which are not here yet and so I just need to use some of them.  i will attach them to some fo the felted dangles.  Everything else is done.

In my world of plants - I have killed a cactus and my ivy seems to be rather unhappy.

The cactus is one I have not had long.  It has been in a spot where it receives misting....  I think it rotted,  There is now a hole and I can see inside and thee is nothing.  Maybe it was already sick when I got it.  Either way, I think it is beyond saving.  It rotted above ground.  All the other plants it sits with are fine - including the once very unhappy Euphorbia.  They seem to like the misting.

My Ivy definitely got overwatered and I am not sure it is going to recover.  I have stopped watering it at all for now.....

Everything else continues to flourish....

I need to buy some more swarovski for my second enchanted lake, but it is expensive and I don't want to pay out for it right now  not when I will only use a couple of each bead.

So now my fire dream catcher is on pause, I don't have much on the go.  It's wierd, I start looking at my South and everything suddenly feels different.

Did go to a new restaurant this week. And got two more plants - a fern for the bathroom and a dragon tree.

I stayed up late two nights.  One night waiting for hubby to get home from work and working on the fire dream catcher - the other watching eurovision which was good fun.

Fire definitely run out....

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